A Short Peek Into the Life of A Scottie

Category: LDR 101


StrengthQuest is a very short and unique survey that identifies someone’s distinctive strengths and characteristics. It’s a very method for a person to understand and develop your own strengths, and behaviors.  My five strengths are Harmony, Consistency, Intellection, Includer, and Input. Out of all five of the strengths that were listed in my personal report, the one that I would like for others to see the most in me is Harmony. According to the strengthquest descriptions that I received; Harmony means to be agreeable.  As stated in the email, “You look for areas of agreement. In your view there is little to be gained from conflict and friction, so you seek to hold them to a minimum. When you know that the people around you hold differing views, you try to find the common ground. You try to steer them away from confrontation and toward harmony.” The reason that I would like others to be able see this in me would be because it would mean that I am able to resolve or smooth over conflict. I do try to make sure that everyone is agreeable when working together, so knowing that people can see that would be very fulfilling.

My First Post

Aside from the fact the I have entirely too much work for biology and the fact that i procrastinate too much and end up completing all of my assignments the day before or that day that it is due, my college experience has be okay so far.

Credit : Stop sign with photoshoped street names: “Homework Ave” and “Procrastination Pk” by Pedro da Silva available for reuse on Unsplash

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